So I was out and about and I got a thought that related to fear. It's something that I find myself thinking about a lot. The thought was that fear is a horrible thing that can plague your mind and stops you from seizing opportunities and experiencing life.
There was a time when I was making a friends dress. Know I know how to sew, I also know that I'm not the best at it and I've still got loads to learn, but I know enough to sew a dress without hassle. Now it fully shocked me when this dress started going wrong. Everything that was so simple, now seemed too challenging and it was getting annoying. After the first attempt, I got scared. I really didn't want to mess up, wanted to show I had SOME skill and I didn't want to be told I was wrong. I basically ended up abandoning it for a good few days. I know this sounds a little silly, but I like my work to be the best it can be, and once I get scared it will flop, I'll just leave it till I feel confident enough to tackle it head on. Not the best method, I know. Coming back to the dress, I had my second wind and decided I would give it my all and finish it that day. NOPE, I was wrong,I freaked out as soon as the dress started going wrong again. Only this time it seemed to be the machine that was out to destroy the dress. Sulking and frustrated I asked 'how many things can go wrong with one dress,jheeze!'. That is when I had the thought, I had let fear convince me that I was incapable of doing it so I had started filling in the lies that told me I couldn't, that I shouldn't have said yes in the first place and that I'm about to let this friend down. A moment was needed then I had to get over myself and just get on with it. I felt the fear, the fear of getting it wrong, fear of disappointing people and being embarrassed and I did it anyway!
We make things deeper than they actually are, we give our situation too much credit and we undermine ourselves. Who every told you that the situation you're in is bigger than you? Even when you feel overwhelmed, you're still in it and with one step at a time, you're moving forward, despite how slow you may be going. Sure at the start of something unfamiliar, you may not be that good, but that's how it is, you start something new and keep practising, keep going till you get good. Persevere, instead of being scared to advance.
When fear tries to stop you, be reminded it's not that deep, you won't get more than you can bear and mistakes can always be corrected.
I was scared about what to do, the process, the pattern but fear made me forget that I already had what it took. We are given everything that we need for situations, God makes us well equip with the skills and the wisdom to execute the things he's put in our hands.
The truth of the matter was that it was hard and humbling but a learning curve non the less.It was something I had to experience and even though I knew what I had to do, I let fear
make me waste more money, time and effort than needed.
If I let it control me, I wouldn't have made that dress, I wouldn't have improved my skills and gained more clients or even have learnt about myself.
When you take fear away from a situation, you see the obvious, you see clearly, you see the simpler things, the things you already knew before.
Don't be so scared to make a mistake, I'm saying this for myself, as a self claimed perfectionist, it will ruin your experiences and make you look back with regret at what you could have done, how great things could have been etc...
Making mistakes is part of life, it is how you handle them that builds your character. 'It isn't about how you get knocked down or how many times, it is about how you get back up and carry on fighting'.
So........What is fear holding you back from doing today?
make me waste more money, time and effort than needed.
If I let it control me, I wouldn't have made that dress, I wouldn't have improved my skills and gained more clients or even have learnt about myself.
When you take fear away from a situation, you see the obvious, you see clearly, you see the simpler things, the things you already knew before.
Don't be so scared to make a mistake, I'm saying this for myself, as a self claimed perfectionist, it will ruin your experiences and make you look back with regret at what you could have done, how great things could have been etc...
Making mistakes is part of life, it is how you handle them that builds your character. 'It isn't about how you get knocked down or how many times, it is about how you get back up and carry on fighting'.
So........What is fear holding you back from doing today?
Peace and Love readers.
x Stitched Roses x
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